Our Lodger's Such a Nice Young Man
Vesta Victoria
At our house not long ago a lodger came to stay,
At first I felt as if I'd like to drive him right away;
But soon he proved himself to be so very good and kind,
That, like my dear mamma, I quite made up my little mind.
He made himself at home before he'd been with us a day,
He kissed mamma and all of us, 'cos papa was away;
Before he goes to work he lights the fires & scrubs the floor,
And puts a nice strong cup of tea outside ma's bedroom door.
At night he makes the beds and does the other little jobs
And if the baby hurts itself he really cries and sobs;
On Sunday when ma's cooking and papa is at the club,
He takes the kids and baths us all inside the washing tub.
We usually go to Margate, in the sea to have a splash,
This year Pa said, "I'm busy!" but I think he had no cash;
The lodger took us down instead, mamma and baby too,
And never charged Pa anything- now there's a pal for you!
Our lodger's such a nice young man, such a good young man is he;
So good, so kind, to all our family!
He's never going to leave us
Oh dear, oh dear no!
He's such a good, goody, goody man,
Mamma told me so. |