An excellent account of the background of the war and the internment of POWs in in Stalg Luft III is presented in a three volume set entitled "The Camera Became My Passport Home - Stalag Luft 3, The Great Escape, The Forced March and the Liberation at Moosburg" compiled and written by Ben van Drogenbroek.

The contents are the memoirs of Charles Woehrle. The volumes are published by The Dutch "Life Behind the Wire 1940-1945" Association. ISBN 078-90-816695-1-1. Charles was a bombardier of a B-17 Flying Fortress who became a Stalag Luft 3 POW in May 1943. Ben was born in 1966 and raised in the town of Montfoort, Holland. As a member of the above Association he has had a special interest in Stalag Luft 3 going back several years.
In the words of Ben van Drogenbroek:
"The sales price is 160 English pounds, inclusive post and packaging.
It's quite a deal of money, I know, but if I have the right to say, when the end
result is taken in consideration, it is worth every penny!
A purchaser doesn't take any risk because payment is expected AFTER receiving
the book. The book can be ordered by me directly.
Ben van Drogenbroek
Stadhouderslaan 32
3417 TW Montfoort
The Netherlands